Menorca week 2: Long Distance Open Water Swimming Training Camp 2021

04aprAll Day10Menorca week 2: Long Distance Open Water Swimming Training Camp 2021Swim with the Experts

Its all about swimming


Week 2:

Long Distance swimming training Camp in Menorca. Get your 6 hours solo or 2-hour relay English Channel qualifying swim done..

Have a look at your swimming week. Camp Itinerary


The 2021 Camp

That’s seven days of swim camp, with the most experienced guides in the business and the training you will need to fulfil your dreams of conquering the Channel or whatever stretch of water is on your wish list.

These swim camps are being offered first to all the swimmers whose bookings had to be cancelled in 2020 then to the wider swimming community.


Our promise

We will take bookings, and deposits, but we promise you that if there are still any problems because of Coronavirus/Covid-19 those deposits will be returned in full.


You can book now

EasyJet is advertising its flights for this period next year and the White Sands Resort at Arenal d’en Castell where the swim camps are based is also taking bookings.

EasyJet is advertising flights from Gatwick landing in Menorca on: Saturday evening April 3 and Sunday morning April 4.

The return flights Menorca to Gatwick are available most days including each Saturday evening. It’s better not to delay. As a general rule, the longer you leave it the greater the cost of those flights.


April 4, 2021 - April 10, 2021 (All Day)(GMT+00:00)

The Swim Camp is at

White Sands Beach Club

Arenal D’En Castell Mercadel 07740, Menorca

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White Sands Beach Club