Keep Calm and Carry on Swimming

We all have a love of long distance swimming

Our story the connection between us all


The common thread is that all have a love of long distance swimming and now wish to inspire, coach and lead by example a new generation of Long Distance swimmers.


Ian Muir and Kathy Batts met in the open air pool at Gravesend Swimming Club and went on to compete for the same Lifesaving teams at Club, County, Regional and National level.

Kathy met Kevin Murphy during the 100th anniversary celebrations for Capt Webb’s Channel swim. Kathy’s father, Wilf, was Kevin’s coach when he was training for a three-way Channel attempt. Kevin subsequently went on to help coach Kathy for her solo Channel, round the Isle of Wight relay and solo Manhattan swims.

Both have worked as swim guide and mentor for a rival company.

Kevin and Ian met on the Long Distance swimming circuit and they went on to compete against each other in events including a 24 hour pool race in Belgium. Ian completed three solo Channel swims.

Phil Yorke is the new kid on the block – a rising star in open water swimming. Kevin met him when he observed an Aspire Charity Channel Relay swim. Phil went on to mentor other Aspire relays and then completed a solo Channel swim on breaststroke in 2015. He is an ASA qualified coach and is secretary of the British Long Distance Swimming Association.

The common thread is that all have a love of long distance swimming and now wish to inspire, coach and lead by example a new generation of Long Distance swimmers.


Kathy and Kevin are in charge of the CS&PF Observer Liaison team.